Sunday 3 October 2010

trailing wires and skulduggery

The scene is set:  years ago the Rulers sat atop their empire.   They surveyed their troops and the general.  Things were not as they should be!  The army narrowly snatched victory from the jaws of defeat.
Something MUST be done, the rulers cried!
Something MUST be done the folk of the citadel cried!
Nothing was done.
The General was welcomed back to lead the army into another series of battles.  This time the General could not gather the army he wanted, he was forced to use the raw recruits.......the raw recruits were put to the sword by every other army, save a few.  The General exiled himself to Martus Lanius and gathered another army about him.
The remnants of the General's former army were surveyed by the Rulers, they were worthy warriors and embraced.  A new General was appointed, Newbius, a relatively unknown quantity from the hinterlands.  Newbius came with much promise and a few battleweary troops.  He flattered the majority of the Rulers, they liked his company, they adored his trained dog, which paraded and danced for their delight, bedazzling their eyes and befuddling their minds.
Newbius proceeded to gather about him an army, and while battling lesser armies their record of victories was enough to keep the Empire afloat.
The Rulers, seeing they were an aging bunch with little enthusiasm and much complacency,  elected a new member to their rank.  They admired much the newcomers purse and supported his efforts to enable Newbius to sustain a Champion.
During the layoff from combat, Newbius set about divesting himself of the old guard, the battle proven and gathering about him those who would support his cause.  He introduced a pony, Orangius, which bedazzled him with it's tricks on the field of combat.  So much was Newbius dazzled by the pony he failed to see the discord the pony was bringing to the camp.  Newbius, failing to attract a Champion, spread the wealth among the army, giving the largest cut of treasure to his favourite, Orangius
A respected gladiator broke ranks and approached the Rulers bearing tales of mockery and disharmony wreaked by the pony, Orangius.  The Rulers took action.  They commanded Newbius to divest himself of the pony, Orangius.  To cast him from their midst and devil take the consequences.  However, Newbius did not do this.  He embraced Orangius and by doing so, inadvertently gave him gravitas among his peers.
Fortune did not smile on Newbius, he was failing on the field of battle.  His army was held at bay or defeated several times.
The newcomer and some other Rulers were not impressed by Newbius,  they did not like his ability to beguile the other Rulers and could see him for what he was;  weak, untrustworthy and a bully.  The people of the empire were also unimpressed by the army and were refusing to pay towards it's upkeep.
The Rulers consulted with the Oracle, whose, binding, decision was to send Newbius from their midst.  To find another General who could be trusted and one who would maintain their position in the current ranks of combatants.
However, the leader of the Rulers, Grecius, pulled the master stroke of threatening to leave the mountain and live among the peasants.  This rattled the old guard who begged him to stay.
They tried to appease Grecius and in doing so they overthrew the wisdom of the Oracle.  They allowed Newbius to take control of two more battles......they were victorious in one and not defeated in the other.  The peasants were happy, Grecius was happy and some members of the great & good believed that Newbius has cemented his place as General for many more battles to come.
However, incurring the wrath of the Oracle has it's price.........but this is history and that is the future.